Smart Forms for Finance and Billing
Optimize Customer Billing with silverblaze Smart Forms. Give your customers the tools they need to ensure their bills are paid on time and improve overall satisfaction with intelligent forms built with silverblaze Smart Forms. silverblaze Smart Forms provides utility customers with web forms that are easily accessible, making it easy for them to engage with their utility provider.
silverblaze Smart Forms instantly collect, interpret, and securely store financial data provided by your customers to your back-end systems. Utility customers can easily manage their billing needs, ensuring a positive experience every step of the way.
Account and Billing Customer Service Smart Forms
silverblaze Smart Forms address the needs of water, gas, electric and telecom utility customers looking to provide customers with easy to use web forms that integrate with workflow processes and back-end systems. With silverblaze Smart Forms, utility providers can:
- Manage billing queues to ensure customer’s billing changes are processed quickly
- Quickly respond to customer’s billing inquiries and concerns
- Provide a convenient method to submit billing information, such as declarations, waivers and credit references
- Escalate individual tasks and automatically delegate them, ensuring employees are able to address customer issues quickly
- Additionally, silverblaze Smart Forms and workflow provides full audit trails. These trails offer complete details on past bills, including payment history, actions and processing time.
Keep Customers on Top of Their Bills
For utility customers, silverblaze Smart Forms delivers a consistently accurate billing experience, increasing satisfaction at every level. With silverblaze Smart Forms and workflows, utility customers are able to:
- Set-up Pre-Authorize Payments – Put an end to late payments with pre-authorized payments. With this form, customers can enter payment information and be automatically debited when payment is due—improving your revenue cycle.
- Change of Payment Method – If customers wish to change their method of payment for any reason, this form allows them to at their convenience. Once submitted, your customers method of payment will instantly be updated.
- Billing Issues – If a customer has a question or concern regarding their billing, they can use this form to quickly connect with your utility.
- Account Access – Customers can grant another person access to their account by filling out this form.
- Self-Declarations – Using this form, customers can submit declaration which may affect their billing.
- Security Deposit Waiver – Using this form, customers can request a security deposit exemption, or, request a credit reference from the utility.
Provide Your Utility Billing Department with Tools to Excel
Utility billing departments, of all sizes, can dramatically improve customer experience with silverblaze Smart Forms; by ensuring customers have an online web form to submit data, make changes to their account, and conveniently and quickly pay their bills.
It’s time to see silverblaze Smart Forms in action for yourself! Schedule a live demo today.
Operational Efficiency & Smart Forms | Utility Customer Portal
Utility providers often lag behind other industries when it comes to the adoption and integration of new technology. However, with operational efficiency becoming increasingly important, this slow-moving adaptation to modernized processes is now now becoming an unnecessary risk and cost.
Find out how silverblaze Smart Forms for Utilities can help achieve efficiencies and deliver a better experience to your customers.