Commercial & Industrial Demand

The Utility Commercial and Industrial (C&I) Demand Portal Module is designed specifically for large commercial, industrial and institutional key accounts where energy demand management and monitoring are critical to cost controls and savings.

Real-time AMI/AMR/MDM/ODS integration, interactive charting, data downloads, reporting, analytics and notifications/alerts are all configurable features of this module.

The Utility C&I Portal offers a rich set of inquiries into large commercial and industrial electric customer usage and demand data, including:

  • Real-time or scheduled AMI/AMR/MDM/ODS integration.
  • Powerful interactive chart with data range selection and zoom features.
  • Support for charting multiple units of measure including Power Factor (P.F.).
  • Support for various interval read frequencies (5, 15, 30, 60 minute intervals).
  • Compare usage to the prior period or the same period last year.
  • Compare multiple accounts on one chart.
  • Support for chart annotations where events can be pinned as visual markers.
  • Download demand data to spreadsheet or Green Button format.
  • Subscriptions for automated reporting of demand data extracts – daily, weekly or monthly reports.
  • Real-time usage monitor with alerts for high-usage

The Silverblaze Solution

The best way to experience the Silverblaze Customer Portal is with a personalized demo. Our team will walk you through the Silverblaze solution, so you can see first-hand the comprehensive features, and the attractive, easy-to-use design.

Your demo will include viewing features such as bill presentment, bill payment, payment alerts, Smart metering activity, time of use stats, and more. We look forward to showing you the Silverblaze Customer Portal and answering your questions.

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