Water & Sewer Utility Solutions

As with all sectors, the water industry has undergone some vast changes within the last decade and technology has changed the way utility companies must run their business if they want to keep up with customer demands.

Our experience in the water industry has enabled us to tailor the Customer Portal specifically to meet the requirements of your business. Implementation of the portal will improve interactions with your customer.

A report, titled The Digital Transformation Of Water: 8 Trends To Watch In 2018, read: “Globally, the water industry has embarked on a journey toward digital transformation. The sector can no longer sustain itself in isolation from the technological shifts happening in other infrastructure industries and at the customer level.”

Thankfully, the silverblaze Customer Portal has been used by water utility companies for almost 20 years due its innovative and user-friendly nature. Designed specifically with the needs of your customers in mind, the silverblaze customer portal works seamlessly with both your system and your customers.

The US population has doubled over the past 50 years.

Yet our thirst for water has tripled.

States are anticipating water shortages in 2024.

silverblaze Enhances Customer Engagement Platform with ACE Merger

silverblaze has evolved substantially over the past year and a half and is now excited to formally announce its merger with Harris Utilities’ Adaptive Consumer Engagement (ACE) platform to enhance its customer engagement platform.

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Learn how implementing the silverblaze Customer Portal increased employee efficiency, customer satisfaction, and revenue, at an electric utility.

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