Smart Forms for Customer Service Workflow

Ensure your customer service department has the tools in place to improve customer engagement, service fulfillment and overall satisfaction with Silverblaze Smart Forms. Silverblaze Smart Forms provide public, private, and municipal utilities with intelligent customer forms that can be accessed 24/7 to automatically route requests and information to the right people in your organization.

By automating these processes and workflows, staff productivity will increase, the strain on customer service to manage requests and issues is minimized, and the customer experience improves dramatically. With Silverblaze Smart Forms, customers have a way to send utility providers essential information, allowing customer service departments to quickly and easily address their needs. Digital forms allow customers to conveniently relay their questions and concerns on any device.

New Customer Agreements – Enable utility customers to sign up for service easily and automatically, saving you costs by reducing the need for dedicated phone staff.

Pre-Authorized Payments – Utility customers are able to quickly and conveniently sign up for automatic pre-authorized payments, eliminating late payments and improving your revenue cycle.

Account Changes – If your customer is interested in changing, adding, or removing people from their account, they can notify you at any time—allowing you to make an instant change.

Service Requests – If there is an issue with utility service, customers are able to report it to their utility provider, detail their problem, and book service to provide a resolution.

Change of Address – If customers are moving, they are able to quickly contact their utility provider with their new address, ensuring their service will be carried over when they arrive.

Street Light Outage – If there is an issue with a streetlight near a customer’s home, they can quickly submit a notification.

Move-Out Request – If a customer is moving and needs their service disconnected or transferred, this form allows them to easily inform your utility of their needs.

Silverblaze Smart Forms are the Smart Choice

By implementing Silverblaze Smart Forms, utilities can reduce the amount of time it takes to fulfil customer requests. More importantly, they are able to eliminate the risk of human error through the complete digital automation of processes. And throughout every step, high levels of security ensure sensitive information is properly stored and only accessible with the proper clearance.

Re-imagine Customer Service with Silverblaze Smart Forms

With our workflow solution, customer service teams are able to better manage their time and resources, so less time will be spent searching for wayward paper forms or correcting human errors. Instead, your utility customer service department can focus on delivering a superior service experience every time a customer contacts you off-line and online. 

Discover why Silverblaze Smart Forms are a complete game-changer for utilities!


Operational Efficiency & Smart Forms | Utility Customer Portal

Utility providers often lag behind other industries when it comes to the adoption and integration of new technology. However, with operational efficiency becoming increasingly important, this slow-moving adaptation to modernized processes is now now becoming an unnecessary risk and cost.

Find out how Silverblaze Smart Forms for Utilities can help achieve efficiencies and deliver a better experience to your customers.

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Learn how implementing the Silverblaze Customer Portal increased employee efficiency, customer satisfaction, and revenue, at an electric utility.

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