Natural Gas Utility Solutions

The advancement in technology has changed the way utility providers operate over the past few years, and providers will need to adapt to these changes if they are to continue to progress.

Our tailor-made services will bring you back into the 21st century, allowing you to offer the customer service that your clients demand.

“Rising natural gas demand in more sectors, and geographies, and the onset of the digital age—bringing perhaps a step change in the oil and gas sector’s ability to boost productivity while also reducing cost,” reads Deloitte’s latest oil and gas industry outlook.

Uncertainty will be a constant for many in the oil and gas sector, but that doesn’t need to be the case for natural gas utility providers. Technology now plays a key part in customer service and allows providers to interact directly with their customer.

The Silverblaze Customer Portal does exactly that, using our extensive experience in the natural gas industry to craft a customer portal that works in harmony with both your system, and your customers. The software has been developed to create a perfect customer service and engagement solution for natural gas utility companies.


5 Smart Technology Strategies For Successful Utilities

Danville Utilities provides a variety of services including electric, natural gas, and water to over 48,000 residences and businesses in a 500-square mile service area. Providing a wide range of services presented Danville Utilities with a complex challenge.

Learn how the Silverblaze Customer Portal addressed Danville’s requirements, and delivered a robust and engaging platform capable of integrating multiple utility applications into a single elegant solution.

Silverblaze Enhances Customer Engagement Platform with ACE Merger

Silverblaze has evolved substantially over the past year and a half and is now excited to formally announce its merger with Harris Utilities’ Adaptive Consumer Engagement (ACE) platform to enhance its customer engagement platform.

View All Features: Download “The Silverblaze Solution”

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Learn how implementing the Silverblaze Customer Portal increased employee efficiency, customer satisfaction, and revenue, at an electric utility.

Enter your name and email below to see our customer engagement solution at work.


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