The Right Time to Invest in a Utility Customer Service Portal

February 9, 2022


Self-serve customer service portals offer a huge amount of benefits to both your utility, and your customers. They provide accessible information, improve customer satisfaction, and simplify billing and payment collection. But how do you know when it’s the right time to invest in a customer service portal? Here are  four ways to tell…

#1 – You want to add value to the customer experience

A customer service portal is a great tool for saving your company time and money by automating processes, but the ultimate goal of a customer service portal is to empower your customer. 

A customer service portal benefits your customers by saving them time and effort, and making their entire customer experience with your brand a frictionless process. This dramatically reduces customer frustrations and, in turn, ramps up customer satisfaction. 

If you are looking for a better way to share information with your customers, ramp up customer satisfaction levels and give your customers the tool they need to take control of their utility account then a self-service customer service portal is the perfect solution for your utility. 


#2 – You want to differentiate

We know… the utility industry traditionally has little-to-no competition, but your utility should still strive to be at the cutting edge of the industry. That means focusing on innovative ways in which your utility can improve the customer experience. 

Having a well-built customer portal for utilities, designed specifically for both your internal needs as well as the needs of your customers, is a big step towards being an industry leader. 

Customer service portals change the way your customers interact with your brand and improve the overall success of your businesses. 

#3 – You want to cut customer service costs

If your customers can serve themselves online and find answers to frequently asked questions on their own, they will be less likely to make a phone call or send an email to your customer service team. 

That’s because with a customer portal, you put your customers in control of their utility accounts. Customers can see their utility usage and adjust their lifestyle as needed, find information on their services, view bills, make payments and so much more – all without having to reach out to your customer support team. 

The result? Your utility can reduce the high cost of customer service and rededicate your employees’ time to customer onboarding and marketing. 

#4 – You want to streamline content delivery

Getting content in front of your customers is difficult, especially when they are looking for it on so many different channels – email, websites, wikis, blogs, and an ever-evolving list of social media networks. By creating an information portal that every customer can access, you can ensure they know exactly where to go when they need the information they are looking for. 

Do any of these apply to your business? If so, it might be time to invest in a utility customer service portal. Get a free demo of the award-winning Silverblaze customer portal today


It’s time to stop worrying about all the issues that come with low customer engagement, and instead, transform your operations to become the leading utility company in your area.

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